niedziela, 4 stycznia 2015

Bye bye Christmas!

                      Unfortunately Christmas is over. For me this time is very special. I love these days.  I'm waiting for Christmas every year. When december is coming, I start counting days to Christmas. I love every minute which I spend with my family and my friens. Frankly speaking it's one of the most important moments, when I can see my whole family: my mother, father, sister, aunties and grandmothers. We are used to spend these days all together. I'm so happy when we can eat some delicious dishes or laugh together. In my house, every year someone puts the Santa suit on and gives us gifts. It's so funny when my little cousins are afraid of my mother ( usually she is Santa :D)

                   I spent this Christmas with my familly. In my house nothing changes and every Christmas is the same, but it doesn't means boring. This year I was so happy. I spent a lot of time with my friends and my boyfriend. I went with my boyfriend to Wrocław to visit a litlle bit this city. I like spending time before Christmas in big cities. Everything looks so pretty at night, especially Old Square where we can find a lot of typical things of Christmas and see trees or buildings with beautiful fairy lamps. I was so happy and I didn't worry about anythig. I can't wait next Christmas! Right now it's time to back to the reality.

1 komentarz:

  1. I love Christmas too, but later It's very difficult to back to University and work ):
